Speed bumps added to turn two

Published by
Robyn Schmidt

On the eve of round four of the 2017 Formula One World Championship, the sports governing body, the FIA has made changes to the Sochi Autodrom in an attempt to stop drivers from cutting turn two.

New 50mm high orange speed bumps have been put in place at turn two to stop the drivers using run off area on the corner to get more acceleration into turn three.

The drivers have also been warned to stay within the confines of the track.

"Any driver who fails to negotiate Turn 2 by using the track, and who passes completely to the left of the orange kerb element on the apex, must then keep to the left of the second new orange kerb element on the edge of the artificial grass and rejoin the track safely at the start of Turn 3," a statement read.

It is not clear if drivers will be penalized if they fail to follow the above directions.

Published by
Robyn Schmidt