The SaubeF1 team has confirmed their official launch date this week, the Hinwil based squad announcing that their new 2017 contender, the Sauber C36-Ferrari will be the first out of the blocks with a February 20th unveiling date.

In the next nine days the team will be working hard on putting the finishing touches to the contender that they hope will bring them a brighter campaign that 2016 and while there won't be a lot of fanfare with the team's launch, we will be able to see the new car in all its glory on Monday week.

The team's car assembly workers are busy putting it all together and like so many of their colleagues have already done, they will be having their first fire-up next week.

The Sauber C36-Ferrari will have its roll-out in the week prior to the first official Formula One test on 22nd February during the Sauber F1 Team's filming day in Barcelona.