While some sporting fans may claim they would rather watch paint dry than ever be taken out to the ballpark, there are many exciting moments in every baseball game.

From triples to doubles, strikeouts to frozen ropes, there is something for everybody, including the ever-feted home run.

Round trippers, four-baggers, goners, dingers, jacks, bombs and blasts, the long bomb has earned many different names over the years. But in this Statcast era of launch angles and exit velocity, we know more about the trajectory of these moonshots than ever before.

While still a way off cracking the top 10 biggest bombs of all time, the longest home runs of the 2024 season were hit by Los Angeles Angels superstar Mike Trout on April 1 against the Miami Marlins and New York Yankees captain Aaron Judge against the Houston Astros on May 9.

With his second homer of the day and the third of his season thus far, the three-time MVP sent this George Soriano slider 473 feet to lead the Angels to a 7-3 road win.

Just over a month later, Judge sent Houston Astros veteran Ryan Pressly downtown with his bomb in the Bronx.

Judge's 473 foot shot wouldn't be enough to see the Yankees claim the home win, with the Astros holding on 4-3 to avoid the sweep.